The Nepalese Himalayan mad honey that makes people Hallucinate

The Himalayan honey (Cliff mad Honey )is 100% natural and organic carefully collected from the cliff in keeping with the traditional and rare honey hunting methods. Honey in the months of May and June is quite different from the other usual varieties of honey. It is in these months that herbal plant flowers and over 28 varieties of rhododendron flowers bloom in the Himalayan region. The many types of flowers attract the giant Himalayan bee to suck nectar and pollen from certain types of flowers and collect honey.
The honey thus collected is rare and is rich in medicinal properties packed with hallucinogenic compounds. The special honey has many types of health benefits with increasing immunity power, and this honey is antique and rare, which is not available anywhere else in the world. This honey is also psychedelic. and is taken in very little quantities. Consumption of mad honey if taken even in slightly higher quantities can lead to hallucination with symptoms of behaving funnily, feeling unstable and light-headed, loss of consciousness, chills, and sinking in some parts of one’s body. There are special honey hunting places, some in villages, and some in Kathmandu. Those who take quite a large amount of honey risk go into a coma for a few hours but they soon wake-up. Honey hunting is quite risky Hunters use traditional hunting equipment. There have been incidents of accident in the past where honey hunters have gone on cliff to see bee colony before honey hunting without wearing bee safety on face.
The bees stung them and they lost their balance and fell to their death. Honey hunters have recently started using proper belay, but they still rely on traditional ropes and rope ladders. They have been hunting from a long time and the tradition has been passed on to them by their forefathers. Honey hunting tradition is being transferred from one generation to the next.Mostly, the honey hunting area lies in the remote regions of Himalayas with poor connectivity to the cities, making traditional honey hunters oblivious to modern equipment. They suspect modern methods and choose to stick to their traditional equipment. The demand for Himalayan honey is tremendously rising for its medicinal properties. One can sell more than 4,000 kilos annually to foreign clients as well as Nepali clients.  A Himalayan village which has the honey hunting area will have one or two families engaged in honey hunting. In addition, other villagers will accompany them and help them in honey hunting. A single group can earn up to 1,000 USD to 3,000 USD. The largest chunk of money is earned by the man who climbs up on the rope ladder and harvests honey on the cliff. Most hunters are farmers from the village and their main job is framing and growing food for their own use.
Cliff mad honey  hunting is only a seasonal job for them that offers hem good money. These areas do not have any tourists. There will be some who would venture into these areas without paying tourist costs. Since honey hunters are too busy in their risky pursuits, they hardly find time to interact with tourists, but with tourist costs being regulated, the honey hunters as well as villagers can guide tourists through the entire area. Some of these people have been visited by journalists and photographers, however, not everyone can walk with them in the honey hunting area as they are capricious and far from the village, and some are really afraid of bees. Climbing up the rope ladder sometimes gets excruciating because of small shoes.
The pandemic caused by Covid19 boosted the sales of this honey due to its medicinal properties which boosted immunity.  I want to connect with all honey hunters from Nepal and collect honey directly with them by managing staff. Because the honey demand is rising. And this is a natural and limited product. So, I am planning to add another special product line under this company.

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